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How are early talent adapting to the age of AI?

A new report looks at how early talent are adapting to AI. Charles Hardy at Handshake shares key findings, highlighting the factors influencing early career decisions.

FDM’s approach to apprenticeship off-the-job training is embedded in mentoring

Abbe Charlesworth, Apprenticeship Manager at FDM Group, explains how FDM designed an off-the-job training programme to ensure apprentices can reach their full potential.

Using the apprenticeship levy is easier than you think

It’s National Apprenticeship Week and a good time to reassess the role of apprenticeships. Simon Reichwald at Connectr explains how taking a step back can unearth powerful opportunities.

How Nestle uses data to shift the diversity dial

Like many organisations, at Nestlé we love to use insight from data to influence our decisions and track our progress. This is no different when it comes to our people.

How the University of Sheffield is nurturing sustainable leaders

The University of Sheffield explains its commitment to education for sustainable development with advice for employers.

4 ways to break down the barriers to social mobility

Employers offer invaluable insight to how to we can improve social mobility, explains Dawn Pitchford, at AMS.

ISE launches tool to measure early careers ROI

ISE’s new tool to measure the ROI of early careers programmes launched at a recent webinar.

New Employer Standards are improving education outreach

A new self-assessment framework for employers is improving the quality and precision of education outreach at scale, explains The Careers and Enterprise Company.

How are students preparing for work?

Prospects Early Careers Survey provides useful insight into how prepared students are for work and what they’re doing to ease their transition, explains Paul Naylor, Prospects graduate recruitment expert at Jisc.

What can career-changers offer early talent programmes?

Career-changers are helping solve challenges in early talent recruitment. Rob Fryer at Now Teach presents the business case and advice.

3 fundamentals to attract and retain Gen Z and millennials in 2024

Flexibility, sustainability, and rewards are essential for these generations, explains Elizabeth Faber, Deloitte global chief people and purpose officer.

What’s going to happen in graduate employment in 2024?

Five predictions on what’s to come in graduate employment this year from graduate labour market guru Charlie Ball, head of labour market intelligence at Prospects, Jisc.