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How visa changes impact how international students can work in the UK

Kirin Abbas at Paragon Law explains government changes to the UK’s visa regime.

What is the state of global early career hiring in 2024?

A new report reveals key trends in early career hiring across the globe, explains HireVue.

How employers manage global early careers campaigns

ISE’s Global Conference got under the skin of the benefits and complexities of running early careers campaigns globally, explains Nichola Robinson at AMS.

How employers take early careers global

Where graduate recruitment was once conducted by employers on a country-by-country basis, early career talent management is now a global endeavour for many. ISE’s Stephen Isherwood shares research on how it‘s handled.

What do the new student visa rules mean for employers and students?

ISE’s Stephen Isherwood considers the new visa rules for international students and what they could mean for employers, students and careers teams.