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4 ways to handle candidate use of AI in assessment and selection

With a rise in candidates using AI in job applications, Claudia Nuttgens at AMS offers advice for employers.

Navigating AI disruption in selection processes

AI is disrupting selection. Robert Newry, CEO at Arctic Shores, advocates the only option now is to embrace it.

The uncomfortable truth about skills-based hiring

Skills-based hiring can be challenging. Robert Newry, CEO and Co-Founder of Arctic Shores, explains what can go wrong, what ‘good’ looks like, and shares a new playbook with cutting-edge advice.

Are apprenticeships increasingly used to develop advanced skills?

ISE’s Student Development Survey reveals how employers are using the apprenticeship levy in 2024.

GenAI in job applications: To Ban or Not to Ban?

With some employers announcing a ban on using AI in job applications, Estelle McCartney at Arctic Shores considers the consequences.

Red flags in early careers recruitment that you shouldn’t ignore

An ISE webinar with Sova looks at identifying and managing potential red flags in early careers recruitment.

How to get the edge on school outreach

ISE’s latest research reveals what employers can do to better engage schools and college students in careers.

Employer collaboration essential for successful school outreach

Time-poor and under-resourced educators and employers want to see more sector and cross-sector collaboration on school outreach to support students’ transition into work, reveals ISE research.

Embrace or ignore? Managing how candidates use GenAI

Forward-thinking employers have embraced AI, supporting candidate usage, explains Robert Newry, CEO and Co-Founder of Arctic Shores.

FDM’s approach to apprenticeship off-the-job training is embedded in mentoring

Abbe Charlesworth, Apprenticeship Manager at FDM Group, explains how FDM designed an off-the-job training programme to ensure apprentices can reach their full potential.

What makes good employer engagement in schools?

A group of experts discuss careers guidance in schools and how employers can be most effective.

The shadow world of HE won’t go away

Fake degrees and diplomas are among the most lucrative forms of qualification fraud. With high risks and high stakes for early talent recruiters, Chris Rea, a fraud expert for Prospects at Jisc, offers advice.