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From Early Career To Emerging Talent

An ISE report into the case for a skills-based approach to student recruitment and development

The Complete Guide to Student Recruitment and Development Access Now

The first ever comprehensive overview of student recruitment and development by the Institute of Student Employers.

Line Manager Guide to Apprenticeships Access Now

ISE's Line Manager Guide to Apprenticeships. From the fundamentals to the details: everything you need to know to effectively manage your apprentices.

Black Careers Matter Members Only

This report explores the issues that people from Black heritage backgrounds face during their early careers and makes recommendations on what employers can do to ensure that they are more inclusive and diverse. Non-members can request the executive summary by emailing

Future of Early Talent Members Only

Ten years ago, not many ISE members were hiring school leavers, now they are. Ten years from now, we expect many ISE member recruitment teams will not only still target school leavers and graduates, but also career changers, older workers and internal candidates.

Apprenticeships ROI Toolkit Access Now

The ISE Apprenticeships Working Group has launched their Return on Investment (ROI) tool to members, an exciting innovation in measuring ROI and the impact and value of apprenticeships for your organisation.

Apprenticeship Levy toolkit Access Now

Created by the ISE Apprenticeship working group, this toolkit aims to support employers with funding, budgeting and utilising the UK Apprenticeship Levy to support the recruitment and development of apprentices.

EDI Resources: Getting Started Members Only

Information and data to help early career professionals start their EDI journey. Includes relevant legislation, background reading and handy toolkits.

Social Mobility Toolkit Members Only

Here you will find the content the ISE Apprenticeships Working Group has been working hard on delivering in order to inform employers of the value of apprenticeships for their organisation.

EDI Resources: Developing a strategy Members Only

Information, data and resources for early career professionals developing an EDI strategy from building a business case to benchmarking.