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New Employer Standards are improving education outreach

A new self-assessment framework for employers is improving the quality and precision of education outreach at scale, explains The Careers and Enterprise Company.

How are students preparing for work?

Prospects Early Careers Survey provides useful insight into how prepared students are for work and what they’re doing to ease their transition, explains Paul Naylor, Prospects graduate recruitment expert at Jisc.

ISE and SMRS: Unlocking talent: a data driven journey

In this webinar SMRS discusses the science behind an evidence-based approach to revolutionising apprentice and graduate talent attraction & recruitment. Diving deep into actionable insights rooted in real data and genuine industry examples.

What can career-changers offer early talent programmes?

Career-changers are helping solve challenges in early talent recruitment. Rob Fryer at Now Teach presents the business case and advice.

3 fundamentals to attract and retain Gen Z and millennials in 2024

Flexibility, sustainability, and rewards are essential for these generations, explains Elizabeth Faber, Deloitte global chief people and purpose officer.

What’s going to happen in graduate employment in 2024?

Five predictions on what’s to come in graduate employment this year from graduate labour market guru Charlie Ball, head of labour market intelligence at Prospects, Jisc.

Employers reveal how AI is changing early careers recruitment

Employers share their experiences and approaches to AI in early careers recruitment.

A zombie wants your job!

Preparing for the Chataclysm of AI and the new world of Work is explored by Dr Paul Redmond, director of student experience and enhancement at University of Liverpool.

How to cope with unsolicited emails

January is often a time when people are looking to improve their habits. Sophie Meaney, CEO of Click, offers advice on coping with unsolicited emails.