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Review of 2023

AI, resilient early career jobs market, students hit by cost-of-living crisis, and visa confusion ends the year: ISE’s joint CEO, Stephen Isherwood, reviews the big stories of 2023.

How HSBC leveraged technology to engage students from low-opportunity backgrounds

Technology can support students from low-opportunity backgrounds to defy the odds, bring fresh ideas to the workplace and shake up stagnant perceptions, explains Zero Gravity.

How Cognizant is driving social mobility from application to onboarding and beyond

Cognizant’s graduate candidate experience is achieving equal representation across all socio-economic deciles, and radically improving representation in terms of ethnicity and gender.

10 practical steps for inclusive recruitment in STEM

There are lots of practical changes early talent recruiters can make to increase inclusivity and encourage female and non-binary applicants, explains STEM Women.

How to ensure inclusivity when recruiting students with disabilities

It is becoming more important to ensure processes are inclusive, particularly when recruiting students with disabilities, explains Lise Austen from MyPlus.

How an Age Community is bridging multigenerational gaps at Novuna

A Multigenerational and Age Community is bridging generational divides and promoting age inclusivity in the workplace, explains Kate Newport from Novuna.

We can do more to embed employability into the curriculum in a sustainable way

Now is the time to make lasting change, taking a new approach to embedding employability into the curriculum, explains James Darley, CEO at Transform Society.

The shadow world of HE won’t go away

Fake degrees and diplomas are among the most lucrative forms of qualification fraud. With high risks and high stakes for early talent recruiters, Chris Rea, a fraud expert for Prospects at Jisc, offers advice.

How Co-op Levy Share is tackling underrepresentation in apprenticeships

Louise Timperley, apprenticeship manager at The Co-op, explains how they established Co-op Levy Share and the benefits to thousands of apprentices.

Creating safe and inclusive spaces so young LGBTQ+ people thrive

Early careers professionals have a role to play in creating safe and inclusive places so LGBTQ+ people can thrive. Steve Keith at Curious Consulting explains how.

The strategic case for employers engaging students through the curriculum

Providing opportunities in the curriculum for students to develop skills and gain real-world experience can be a win-win for both employers and universities, explains Mike Grey at Gradconsult.

Employers using AI to recruit graduates and apprentices triples

ISE has found a significant increase in student employers adopting AI to help recruitment processes become more efficient.