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Virtual work experience aids underrepresented students

Virtual work experience is helping underrepresented students develop skills through the cost-of-living crisis, explains Dominique Mansley at the University of Liverpool.

10 most popular apprenticeship articles of the year

To mark National Apprenticeship Week, ISE is taking a look back at the last year to bring you our most popular data, advice and best practice from the wonderful world of apprenticeships.

How HSBC approaches apprenticeship programme design

HSBC won the ISE Award for Best Apprenticeship 2024. Emerging Talent Development Lead, Laura Anderson, explains their approach to programme design.

How to leverage AI in recruitment today and in the future

Cappfinity examines how AI is being used in each stage of talent acquisition today, and how it might be used in the future to inform end-to-end recruitment strategy development.

Empowering Gen Z for workplace success

An ISE webinar with Amberjack explored the widening professional skills gap and practical advice to support Gen Z as they transition into work.

5 keep warm activities that really work for 2025

Innovative keep warm strategies can revolutionise early careers recruitment by keeping candidates engaged, prepared, and excited for their new roles, explains Anna Buckley from AmplifyME.

3 assessment trends to watch in 2025

2024 was a disruptive year for online assessment, and 2025 will be an evolve-or-die moment for many test formats. Ben Schwencke, Chief Psychologist at Test Partnership, shares the trends we need to watch.

EDI Resources: Getting Started Members Only

Information and data to help early career professionals start their EDI journey. Includes relevant legislation, background reading and handy toolkits.

Social Mobility Toolkit Members Only

Here you will find the content the ISE Apprenticeships Working Group has been working hard on delivering in order to inform employers of the value of apprenticeships for their organisation.

EDI Resources: Developing a strategy Members Only

Information, data and resources for early career professionals developing an EDI strategy from building a business case to benchmarking.

The Complete Guide to Student Recruitment and Development Access Now

The first ever comprehensive overview of student recruitment and development by the Institute of Student Employers.

How Clifford Chance is connecting with career changers

Integrating career changers into the early talent strategy at Clifford Chance is helping tackle skills shortages.