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What do the new student visa rules mean for employers and students?

ISE’s Stephen Isherwood considers the new visa rules for international students and what they could mean for employers, students and careers teams.

Embrace or ignore? Managing how candidates use GenAI

Forward-thinking employers have embraced AI, supporting candidate usage, explains Robert Newry, CEO and Co-Founder of Arctic Shores.

ISE and Sova: Red flags in early careers assessment

Ready to elevate your early talent recruitment game? Then watch this recorded session from the recent ISE and Sova Assessment webinar, "Red Flags in Early Careers Assessment," if you were unable to attend it live.

ISE: Visas and international students Members Only

In December ’23 the government announced future changes to the visa system for international workers and a review of the graduate visa route. This is a discussion with our expert panel on how the changes announced could impact how employers attract, employ and retain international students.

ISE and Cappfinity: Total talent vs early talent

Cappfinity and Expedia Group share how a skills-based approach can be adopted globally and how this can support total talent strategies.

ISE launches tool to measure early careers ROI

ISE’s new tool to measure the ROI of early careers programmes launched at a recent webinar.

ISE and SMRS: Unlocking talent: a data driven journey

In this webinar SMRS discusses the science behind an evidence-based approach to revolutionising apprentice and graduate talent attraction & recruitment. Diving deep into actionable insights rooted in real data and genuine industry examples.

What can career-changers offer early talent programmes?

Career-changers are helping solve challenges in early talent recruitment. Rob Fryer at Now Teach presents the business case and advice.

What’s going to happen in graduate employment in 2024?

Five predictions on what’s to come in graduate employment this year from graduate labour market guru Charlie Ball, head of labour market intelligence at Prospects, Jisc.

Employers reveal how AI is changing early careers recruitment

Employers share their experiences and approaches to AI in early careers recruitment.

A zombie wants your job!

Preparing for the Chataclysm of AI and the new world of Work is explored by Dr Paul Redmond, director of student experience and enhancement at University of Liverpool.