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Board Directors

Steve Gaskin

University of Plymouth

Board responsibilities - Membership: education

Dr Steve Gaskin is responsible for the support, wellbeing, personal and career development of 20,000+ students at the University contributing to an excellent student experience, whilst ensuring our students have the best possible preparation for, and success in, their future careers. His role involves supporting the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Education and Student Experience) and the Academic Registrar with strategy development, business planning, service management and key performance monitoring whilst supporting the wider day to day leadership, management and operations of the Careers Service and Student Services and the wider Academic Registry directorate. 

Before Plymouth, Steve spent a decade at the University of Exeter in professional service functions, leading and/or managing portfolios including employability services, student development, researcher development, academic policy and educational development.

Nationally, he has been an active member of various professional and regulatory bodies and associated strategic advisory groups including the former Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE), Higher Education Academy (HEA), Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services (AGCAS) and also the Chartered Association of Business Schools. Steve is a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and a National Teaching Fellow.