Employers recognise the important role schools play in shaping the career aspirations of students. So that schools have the latest information on student careers, whether for apprentice or university pathways, we have waived the ISE membership fee.
Member benefits include:
- Annual reports – Free access to unique and industry leading data collected from our members. We produce two main surveys annually, based around recruitment and development – The Student Recruitment Survey and The Development Survey. We also create hot topic surveys and papers which most recently saw us make our recommendations for improving the apprenticeship system.
- ISE data and resources – Your organisation will gain access to our online resources such as our recruitment and development dashboards.
- ISE Conferences – Our members get reduced ticket prices as well as being eligible to showcase and enter the awards. The Apprenticeships Conference is of particular value to our School Members.
- Career Fairs Listing – Free advertisement of your career fairs on the ISE website for over 300 employers to see. This is a great opportunity to increase the number of employers booking a stand at the event, providing a more comprehensive experience for students.
- Webinars - Free webinars to keep you up to date with such topics as social mobility and the Apprenticeships Levy.
- E-news - A free subscription to the ISE’s weekly digital newsletters; ISE Insights which delivers fortnightly opinion, research and case study articles based on your preferences; and ISE Engage to keep you up to date with the latest events, membership news and engagement opportunities.
ISE membership is free for schools
This membership category is ‘digital’ so school members will receive digital copies of our reports and publications but not hard copies.
Schools will be able to attend our online events. However, due to venues’ capacity limitations, will not be entitled to attend free events held at a physical location.
See our full Terms and Conditions for more information.