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Join ISE

Join the Institute of Student Employers and you join the biggest student recruitment and development community in the UK

We’re delighted you want to become part of the ISE community. The application form has several stages and will gather all of the information we need to support your membership.

Unsure what the benefits of joining ISE are? Start your membership journey here. And if you have any questions, drop us a line at 


* indicates a required field.

About You

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About Your Organisation

Please enter your organisation name. If it already exists in our system, select it from the list that appears on the right-hand side or, if no matches are found, click the ‘Use …’ button to add your organisation to our system.

Organisation Name*

Selected Organisation:


Organisation Details

Select all

Organisation Contacts


Apprenticeship Contact


Recruitment Survey Research Contact


Development Survey Research Contact

Organisation Address(es)

Please provide your organisation’s main address.

If membership invoices should be addressed to a different department/location, please add a separate billing address.

‘Line 1’, ‘Town’, ‘Postcode/ZIP’ and ‘Country’ are required for each address.

Your Preferences & Requirements

You will be able to change your preferences at any time in the ‘Your ISE’ area of the website.

The following information will be stored against your profile to speed up event signups.

Login Details

Please note: Passwords must be at least 10 characters long.

Membership Fee


Submit Your Application