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ISE Awards 2025: FAQs

I'm really busy, how long does it take to submit an entry?

For the first round of submissions, we only need up to 500 words and up to 2 A4 pages of optional supporting material (images, graphs, charts, tables). The time it takes is different for everyone but you could submit an entry in less than an hour! The strategy category requires 1000 words with up to 4 A4 pages/slides of infographics.



I'm still mid project, can I still enter this year?

Yes, you can still enter this year! As long as the project will be complete before the second phase of judging (9 March). Just give us as much information as you can in your first submission including your projected outcomes. If you reach the second round of judging, you can give us the results then. 



I've partnered with a non-member on my project, can I still submit an award entry?

Yes you can! As long as you are still a member when we announce the winners, and you are the lead applicant, then you can include the work you have completed with your partner, and they will gain recognition too.



Can our non-member partner submit on our behalf? 

Yes! They can submit an entry with their contact details, as long as your organisation is the lead applicant and remains an ISE member throughout the awards timeline. 



What is the timeline for the Awards?

Phase 1 Submissions: 30 Sept – 24 Nov 2024

Phase 1 Scoring: 2 Dec 2024 - 19 Jan 2025

Finalists Announcement: week commencing 27 Jan 2025.

Phase 2 Submissions: 3 Feb – 9 Mar 2025

Phase 2 scoring: 17 Mar - 27 April 2025

Final judging panels: 14 May - 16 May 2025 

Winners Announced: 24 June 2025 at the Gala Awards Dinner following the ISE Student Recruitment Conference



Can I get an extension?

We understand that sometimes other work needs to take priority. If you need an extension, please email and we will work with you on a case by case basis.



Who judges the awards?

The ISE Awards are judged by your peers! We call for volunteer judges each year and have a mix of Universities, Employers and Solution Providers on the panels. We also ensure there is no conflict of interest when assigning judges to their categories.



Can I judge an award and still enter?

Absolutely, the call for judges is open until 10 November, and we'll ensure you're not assigned to any category you've entered. Volunteer to be a judge here



What if I don't win?

Entering the awards has many benefits. All finalists are recognised on ISE's LinkedIn page which has over 10,000 followers, and you'll receive your own 'Finalist' asset to use on social media, email footer or website. There are also opportunities to deliver case studies for our Insights page. Judges can decide to 'highly commend' a finalist who doesn't win but whose work is especially inspiring, giving extra credibility to your work. Furthermore, taking the time to reflect on your work over the past year, can be really helpful to take stock, recognise the hard work you've put in and identify areas to work on next. 



How much does it cost?

Each entry costs only £150, and given the exposure all finalists receive and the credibility becoming a winner gives to your organisation, that £150 can go a long way! As a not-for-profit organisation, all proceeds from the awards go back into making the ISE membership the best it can be.



OK, I'm ready! Where do I enter?

Just click here and select your category!