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Award for 'Best Single Purpose Attraction Activation'

Award Description

From time to time, employers face challenging recruitment situations that require innovative approaches and extra attention. This award recognises outstanding attraction strategies, solutions, and creative executions that effectively address these challenges and deliver impactful results. Whether targeting a specific audience, addressing a unique issue, or reshaping an organisation’s reputation, we seek entries that not only meet the brief but also have the potential to positively influence the broader student recruitment environment. We honour innovative solutions that successfully tackle hard-to-fill roles or complex recruitment challenges and contribute to best practices in student recruitment.

Eligibility to submit: Award entry is open to ISE members only.


Round 1 Scoring Criteria:

  • Innovation and Creativity - How innovative and creative was the strategy in addressing the recruitment challenge?
  • Alignment with Strategy and Objectives - To what extent did the approach align with the organisation’s overall recruitment strategy and objectives?
  • Execution Quality - How effectively was the strategy executed?
  • Impact and Results - What measurable outcomes were achieved?
  • Scalability and Best Practice - Does the strategy have potential for replication or scaling in other recruitment contexts?
  • Stakeholder Engagement and Support - How effectively were key stakeholders engaged?


In addition to support of your submission, the following can also be added:

  • Up to two A4 pages/slides of infographics i.e. images (max 4), graphs charts and tables in PDF format.
  • One web link not included in the 500-word entry.


Entries have now closed