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ISE Membership Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions

These are the Institute of Student Employers (ISE) terms and conditions for newsletter recipients and for membership. If you have any queries about the below, please contact the membership team on


Membership Outline and Renewal

Institute of Student Employers (ISE) membership is a rolling agreement which will automatically renew each year on the anniversary of the date the membership.

Membership is taken out on behalf of an organisation and thus the organisation is liable for payment of all ISE invoices. Membership shall be fully effective when full payment of the membership fee has been received. Membership payment terms are 60 days from the date of the invoice. If after 60 days no payment has been received, your membership may be suspended at our discretion at which point no membership benefits will be available. Once payment has been received full membership benefits will resume.

School membership

ISE membership is free for schools. This membership category is ‘digital’ so school members will receive digital copies of our reports and publications but not hard copies. Schools will be able to attend our online events. However, due to venues’ capacity limitations, will not be entitled to attend free events held at a physical location.


Receipt of ISE Newsletters

ISE newsletters are sent out twice a week, ISE Insights and ISE Engage. You may unsubscribe from these at any time, upon which we will remove your details from our database.



Where payment is required for any of the ISE’s products and/or services acceptable methods of payment consist of: cash, personal cheque with bankers card, all major credit/debit cards, bankers draft or BACS Transfer. All credit cards will be processed in GBP at the time of payment. ISE is not responsible for any fees, charges, exchange rates or additional charges levied by individual financial institutions or credit card companies. Our terms are payment in full within thirty days for all services other than membership, and payment in full within 60 days for membership. All goods remain the property of the ISE until paid for in full.

Returned cheques will incur a £25 charge to cover banking fees and administrative costs. In an instance of a second returned cheque, the ISE reserves the right to terminate the arrangement and may insist on cash or credit card transactions only for future purchases. In such circumstances all bookings and/or transactions and agreements entered into will cease with immediate effect until such a time as any and all outstanding monies are recovered in full.


Membership Cancellation

If a member organisation wishes to cancel their membership after the 60 days payment terms, i.e. part way through the membership year, this must be done in writing to or 6 Bath Place, Rivington Street, London, EC2A 3JE. The member organisation should confirm receipt by telephone, and will then be liable to pay their membership fee pro rata, for the period of time elapsed between the date of renewal and written notification of cancellation.


Change of contacts

It is the responsibility of the member organisation to ensure that membership is transferred should the original contact leave their role. As the membership is taken out on behalf of the organisation, if subscription payments have not been received within 60 days, the organisation is still liable to settle any outstanding invoices.


New Membership

Membership payment terms are 60 days from the date of the invoice, which is generated immediately upon online membership sign-up. If after 60 days no payment has been received, your membership may be suspended at our discretion at which point no membership benefits will be available. Once payment has been received full membership benefits will resume.